And William Lane Craig says below that evolution is really evidence for God. This is a much earlier video which shows Mr, Craig has believe in evolution for quite some time.
In the next video William Lane Craig makes an argument for evolution while denying all forms of creation beliefs in video below.
William Lane Craig has become a traitor to the Creation Movement and to God. He has not only forsaken God’s Word with his beliefs, but also Old Earth Creation, which is what his ministry is based upon, by accepting evolution as truth. He rarely talks about it but during some of his seminars he slips up every once in awhile and reveals the real truth about his belief.
William Lane Craig also denies that God is all powerful by claiming that nothing in the Bible that would be considered a miracle is even possible. He indirectly says this as he makes fun of Young Earth creationists and their timeline. And he even denies the Flood in the video above with Ken Ham.
Young Earth Creation Evidence Search.
Flood evidences search results link just click.
Evidence that proves evolution wrong, just click link
Denying the power of God to create, is denying one of God’s attributes aka what makes God, God. Indirectly claiming that what’ written in the Bible clearly is false, is indirectly calling God Fallible and a liar. So is God Omniscient or not? According to William Lane Craig God is not.
Below is William Craig Lane’s website ministry. The main goal of any Christian ministry is salvation. This website has no salvation page, or number to call to be led to Christ. The Bible says: By their fruits ye shall know them. Having no way to obtain salvation from his site = his ministry cannot produce fruits of salvation.

Both of the largest Old Earth Creation ministries had no salvation page or number to call to be led to salvation. So I made this meme to expose this on social media and it went viral. Hugh Ross put up a how to get saved page, William Lane Craig refuses to. and when I contacted his ministry and asked why. they refuse to respond.
Rebuttal: evolution is the direct opposite of the order of creation. The reason why God called his creation good when he finished it was to make it clear that anything that opposes is creation just as it is written, is the opposite of good which is evil.
Evolution also mocks Father God, and Jesus Christ. Because the Bible says that we were created in His image and if we used to be primates, what was God when he created us?
And was it a primate that died on the cross for your sins? I think not.
Even Wikipedia admits that Mr. Craig believes that God used evolution to create.
First understand that the word Evolution did not exist when the Bible was translated. But there are other ways to express the same idea. When you break down Evolution to its simplest form of how life started so life could supposedly evolve. It’s basically the belief that it rained on the rocks for millions of years, and the erosion of that rock created the primordial soup in which all life supposedly sprung from AKA The Rock belief.
So what does God’s word have to say about the rock belief?
“Of the Rock that begat thee thou art unmindful, and hast forgotten God that formed thee.” Deuteronomy 32:18 KJV
“For their rock is not as our Rock, even our enemies themselves being judges.” Deuteronomy 32:31 KJV
You see Satan likes to imitate God because he can never duplicate God. So the Son of God is also called The Rock of our salvation. So Satan had to come up with his own rock idea to imitate what God did, so he came up with the idea of evolution. Is there another name for evolution in the Bible? Yes. It’s called Creature Worship. The Bible also says to add this belief to the word of God turns it into a lie.
Romans 1:25 “Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.” KJV
Pagan religion has believed this for a long time AKA that man came from animals. This belief can be traced all the way back to Egyptian times, so Darwin was not the first to think this idea up. This is why many of the paintings on the walls in the pyramids, we’re of humans with animal headdresses on.
- Rebuttal of Craig
William Lane Craig also denies that God is all powerful by claiming that nothing in the Bible that would be considered a miracle is even possible. He indirectly says this as he makes fun of Young Earth creationists and their timeline. And he even denies the Flood in the video above with Ken Ham.
Young Earth Creation Evidence Search.
Flood evidences search results link just click.
Evidence that proves evolution wrong, just click linkDenying the power of God to create, is denying one of God’s attributes aka what makes God, God. Indirectly claiming that what’ written in the Bible clearly is false, is indirectly calling God Fallible and a liar. So is God Omniscient or not? According to William Lane Craig God is not.
Below is William Craig Lane’s website ministry. The main goal of any Christian ministry is salvation. This website has no salvation page, or number to call to be led to Christ. The Bible says: By their fruits ye shall know them. Having no way to obtain salvation from his site = his ministry cannot produce fruits of salvation.
- OEC and salvation
Both of the largest Old Earth Creation ministries had no salvation page or number to call to be led to salvation. So I made this meme to expose this on social media and it went viral. Hugh Ross put up a how to get saved page, William Lane Craig refuses to. and when I contacted his ministry and asked why. they refuse to respond.
- OEC vs YEC
- Mixing evolution with the Bible
Rebuttal: evolution is the direct opposite of the order of creation. The reason why God called his creation good when he finished it was to make it clear that anything that opposes is creation just as it is written, is the opposite of good which is evil.
Evolution also mocks Father God, and Jesus Christ. Because the Bible says that we were created in His image and if we used to be primates, what was God when he created us?
And was it a primate that died on the cross for your sins? I think not.
- More info on Craig
- Is evolution in the Bible?
First understand that the word Evolution did not exist when the Bible was translated. But there are other ways to express the same idea. When you break down Evolution to its simplest form of how life started so life could supposedly evolve. It’s basically the belief that it rained on the rocks for millions of years, and the erosion of that rock created the primordial soup in which all life supposedly sprung from AKA The Rock belief.
So what does God’s word have to say about the rock belief?
“Of the Rock that begat thee thou art unmindful, and hast forgotten God that formed thee.” Deuteronomy 32:18 KJV
“For their rock is not as our Rock, even our enemies themselves being judges.” Deuteronomy 32:31 KJV
You see Satan likes to imitate God because he can never duplicate God. So the Son of God is also called The Rock of our salvation. So Satan had to come up with his own rock idea to imitate what God did, so he came up with the idea of evolution. Is there another name for evolution in the Bible? Yes. It’s called Creature Worship. The Bible also says to add this belief to the word of God turns it into a lie.
Romans 1:25 “Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.” KJV
Pagan religion has believed this for a long time AKA that man came from animals. This belief can be traced all the way back to Egyptian times, so Darwin was not the first to think this idea up. This is why many of the paintings on the walls in the pyramids, we’re of humans with animal headdresses on.
DNA is now found in the 4th dimension. In what’s called space and time. Evolution cannot even begin to explain that, How does evolution even put anything biological in the 4th dimension, and for what reason? Not needed for survival, so why? Click Image below to visit site.
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DNA is now found in the 4th dimension. In what’s called space and time. Evolution cannot even begin to explain that, How does evolution even put anything biological in the 4th dimension, and for what reason? Not needed for survival, so why? Click Image below to visit site.
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