When it comes to Abiogenesis, they have to animate it because it’s not observable. It is at best a hypothesis not a theory. And since it’s life from lifeless matter it is the supposed *first cause* of evolution. But because the claims cannot be duplicated in a lab aka life coming from non-life. The cause does not work that starts the supposed process of life, so evolution fails even before it gets started.
In the Urey experiment, what they hide is that they only produced about 87% of the amino acids required for life. And they produced left and right-handed structures which do not exist in any lifeform known on the planet. So, watch this short video as they make claims they cannot prove.
Evolutionists would like you to believe that is they can animate something, then it’s true, It only proves the evolution only exists and is true in a virtual world not the real world. If it were true reality, then all this animation would not be needed. But since 99% of evolution is unobservable, animation is all they have to sell their ideas to the masses.