Author: ikester7579
When it becomes time for the debate to start and you see nothing showing yet. You need to refresh aka reload the page. If debate has started, when you reload the page it will start playing. This will default to play in HD, but if your internet happens to be to slow for HD. You can click on the thing that look like a gear next to the cc button on the bottom right of video and select a slower speed. Usually 480 or 360 bandwidth works well with slower dsl speeds.
The date has been set, and the atheists whine. They say that Bill Nye should cancel. To debate creation is to give it legitimacy. More like creation evidence has become so good that a debate like this would show up evolution for what it really is. Nothing more than a hypothesis..
Remember atheists, evolution has to remain falsifiable in order to even be a theory. Refusing to debate proves it is not. And can no longer be challenged. So what is a theory that can no longer be challenged in a debate? A protected unfalsifiable idea that is no longer scientific. So let’s see if atheists will prove me on this and get Bill Nye to cancel the debate so they can all go hide under a rock.
To show even more that atheists can no longer defend evolution scientifically because it’s no longer scientific. They will break out the ridicule and personal attack machine, It’s all they have anymore. Which proves my point even further. So post on those blog, forums, and websites all the ridicule you can muster. It proves what we already know about evolution. It’s dying and hiding behind ridicule because that’s all you guys have. So how many names will you call us today atheists? LOL. What a joke evolution is.
****Update as quoted from Ken Ham: Watching the Nye/Ham Debate Live An Update
Because of the huge media interest in the Bill Nye/Ken Ham debate at the Creation Museum on February 4 (seats sold out in two minutes online), as well as the general buzz that has been generated nationwide about the event, the live streaming option is being put on hold as we are looking into other exciting opportunities for people to watch the debate live. Ultimately, these other possible options would allow even more people to view this historic debate.
More information will come later on how to watch the debate. Meanwhile, if you signed up for the live streaming, we thank you for your interest and please know that you will be contacted once the final arrangements have been made. (Of course, if we opt out of a streaming version, you will get a refund.)
With the debate selling out, we are committed to the very best ways by which as many people as possible can also watch the debate live.
Here is CNN interviewing Bill Nye:

Adding evolution to creation is man’s attempt to not fully commit to God. He wants to be friends with the world and what does God say about that? A friend of this world is an enemy of God. So you can make all the arguments you want. But the only one that is going to count is when you stand before God. But you have freewill, but you have to decide whether that freewill will help you or condemn you. And if you know exactly what Gods word says on this issue, then there is no excuse.
In the verses in Romans 1, evolution is given a Biblical name. It’s called Creature Worship.
Rom 1:25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.
Warning: What you read below is of an adult subject and there is cussing in some of it.
Here is an example of one conversation. Remember this is not for kids.
Atheist: While I personally don’t condone bestiality, I think religion is more of an offense to our status and dignity as human beings than bestiality.
Me: So if your friend starts talking about having sex with his pet and that evolution proves it’s okay you are not going to have a problem with it?
Atheist: I would respond with: I don’t see how evolution proves that it’s okay for you to have sex with your pet. But don’t do it if your pet doesn’t want to. It has the right to refuse, too.
Other shocking comments:
Atheist: why should it be illegal? If that’s what floats your boat go for it as long as the animal isn’t being hurt. What goes on behind closed doors is their business.
Christian: This had BETTER be a joke
Me: It’s not it’s what society and school teaches kids today. If it feels good do it.
Atheist: Its funny the term “what goes on behind closed doors is their business” Is given all the time. The people who d*mn the idea of a God and his word yet still say “as long as no one gets hurt the whatever people do behind closed doors is their business” what a load of sh*t. This is why Americans are all f*cked up. We have laid down the corner stone of truth and rules for kim Kardashian and jay z.
Atheist: So what you’re saying is that God makes people gay. Isn’t is funny how in the USA, bestiality is considered legal in many states, and yet you claim to be a Christian country. Yet again showing the world how you Christians have no morals.
Atheist: what if wer came from the other world, from alien civilizations,,,
from alien theorist claim?
and the bible is true?
that,, we never know…
it’s too early for the evolutionist in that claims
Side note: I will add more when more comments become available if post is not deleted first.
This will be undeniable evidence that any creationist can use to prove that the Flood did create a lot of what we see, and not “Deep Time” like the evolutionists claim. I will try to put all the information in an order that is easy to understand along with being as brief as possible without leaving the important stuff out.
- Is there enough water for a World Wide Flood? Yes there is. In the past few years using seismic tools. They have found that a mineral called ” wadsleyite” holds 2% water by weight. That may not sound like much until you realize how much wadsleyite exists in the upper mantle of the earth. Figures show that 2% would work out to be somewhere around 30 oceans worth added to the water that we already know exists. And this has been tested in more than one place by more than one scientist which makes the results observable and repeatable which is empirical evidence. Which means evolutionists can no longer deny the possibility that a flood of this magnitude could happen.
References: - Can the waters from the flood lay out the Geologic Column as we see it today? The evolutionist side has no observable mechanism to do this so all they have is the claim that “Deep Time” did it. But water will sort sediments and is observable and repeatable. The video below shows this and shows how every sediment pattern formed that exists today. And this is observable and repeatable which makes it empirical evidence. Evolutionists have nothing. Empirical evidence beats the “Deep Time” claim any day.
Time has no process to sort. Yet 3 types of sorting can be observed.
Sediment sorting as shown in the videos above.
Side note: There are more than 300 Living Fossils and frozen in time amber evidence. Some of that list is below.
List of Living Fossils:
Araucaria araucana the Monkey Puzzle tree
CycadsGinkgo tree (Nasikabatrachus sahyadrensis)
Horsetails Equisetum (Equisetaceae)
Metasequoia Dawn Redwood (Cupressaceae)
Sciadopitys tree (Sciadopityaceae)
Whisk ferns Psilotum (Psilotaceae)
Welwitschia (Welwitschiaceae)
Wollemia tree (Araucariaceae)
Aardvark (Orycteropus afer)
Cypriot mouse (Mus cypriacus)
Red Panda (Ailurus fulgens)
Okapi (Okapia johnstoni)
Koala (Phascolarctos cinereus)
Laotian Rock Rat (Laonastes aenigmamus)
Volcano rabbit (Romerolagus diazi)
Amami rabbit (Pentalagus furnessi)
Iriomote cat (Prionailurus iriomotensis)
Monito del Monte (Dromiciops gliroides)
monotremes (the platypus and echidna)
Mountain Beaver (Aplodontia rufa)
Acanthisittidae (New Zealand “wrens”)
Hoatzin(Ophisthocomus hoazin)
Broad-billed Sapayoa (Sapayoa aenigma)
Bearded Reedling (Panurus biarmicus)
Coliiformes (mousebirds, 6 living species in 2 genera)
Magpie-goose (Anseranas semipalmata)
Pig-nosed turtle
Crocodilia (crocodiles, gavials and alligators)
Tuatara (Sphenodon punctatus and Sphenodon guntheri)
Purple frog (Nasikabatrachus sahyadrensis)
Bony fish
Bowfin (Amia calva)
Coelacanth (the lobed-finned Latimeria menadoensis and Latimeria chalumnae)
Queensland lungfish (Neoceratodus fosteri)
Sturgeons and paddlefish (Acipenseriformes)
Frilled shark (Chlamydoselachus anguineus)
Mantophasmatodea (gladiators; a few living species)
Mymarommatid wasps (10 living species in genus Palaeomymar)
Nevrorthidae (3 species-poor genera)
Notiothauma reedi (a scorpionfly relative)
Orussidae (parasitic wood wasps; about 70 living species in 16 genera)
Peloridiidae (peloridiid bugs; fewer than 30 living species in 13 genera)
Sikhotealinia zhiltzovae (a jurodid beetle)
Syntexis libocedrii (Anaxyelidae cedar wood wasp)
glypheoid lobsters (3 living species: Neoglyphea inopinata, N. neocaledonica, and Laurentaeglyphea neocaledonica)
Stomatopods (Mantis shrimp)
Triops cancriformis (also known as Tadpole shrimp) (a notostracid crustacean)
Nautilina (e.g. Nautilus pompilius)
Neopilina galateae, a monoplacophorid mollusc
Ennucula superba (Nut clam)
Other invertebrates
Horseshoe crab (only 4 living species of the class Xiphosura, family Limulidae: Limulus polyphemus,Tachypleus gigas, Tachypleus tridentatus and Carcinoscorpius rotundicauda)
Lingula anatina (an inarticulate brachiopod)
Valdiviathyris quenstedti (a craniforman brachiopod)
It would seem that the war against God is alive and well as the atheists, who claim there is no God, make extreme efforts to stop these two men from promoting God through their ministries. The Atheists latest attempts to stop these two has actually backfired on them. Because it had the opposite effect of what they wanted to happen. How?
Ray Comfort just came out with a video documentary showing that when Atheists are pinned down to answer a question directly, and not allowed to dodge or squirm their way out of it, they really have no answer. It shows evolution is not what it’s all put up to be. The Documentary Ray did is called: “Evolution vs God”. I have purchased and seen the movie. It’s well worth the money.
Down load it here: Evolution vs God
And the full documentary is now out on youtube:
Ray Comfort has also put out videos named: 180 and Genius. That has made the Atheists community mad. The full viewing of these videos can be viewed here but only on youtube, So when you see the link that says: watch on youtube, click that. Youtube made Ray make this video age restricted because he asks people about abortion.
The backfire for the Atheists here is that their hatred for anyone who would dare to challenge them or just disagree publicly is to post that hatred on the internet. This is turn works as free advertisement for the Christians as doing so put the documentaries on the top rankings with top search engines. They have gone as far as to make false reports to YouTube and FaceBook to get the videos removed. Put up fake accounts using their names or a variation of it posing as them and making unchristian like comments making people think it was them. But the response from the Christian side got the accounts put back up and all the efforts just got the documentaries more fame through the free hatred advertisement they were getting from the Atheists haters.
Kirk Cameron has faced the same onslaught of hatred from atheists for his own documentaries, some actually co-starring with Ray Comfort. His latest movie named: Unstoppable. Was attacked every way imaginable just like Ray’s was. The picture below pretty much sums it up.
Here is the tailor for the movie “Unstoppable” in which I understand will be in theaters soon.
This is a perfect example for all the Christians who are already coming up against the atheists, or are thinking of doing this. Their hatred is your free advertisement. And if you are worried about what is said or posted don’t. Everyone has the right to their opinion and there is really nothing you can do about it. So you have to take the good with the bad and realize that people will think what they want regardless, and you can waste more time worrying about things you can do nothing about. When I see hate stuff being posted about me I say: Thanks, it’s because of your efforts and your peers that has made me as popular as I am. I did not have to pay a dime for advertisement because you guys put me on the board because of your hatred.
Now one might think that Atheists reading this might just stop doing this then we would have to advertise. Fat chance. They cannot resist hating Christians so it’s basically guaranteed that if you bump heads with enough of them. They will make you popular indirectly because of their excessive hatred towards God and all of His followers. So if you are thinking of putting up a website, blog, forum etc… Just do it and post stuff that disagrees with what they believe, and they will come. And if they don’t like you, which most won’t, they will post about you, your site, what you said etc…. So they can all join in, in a hate fest just for you. This will get you a better ranking on search engines which makes you easier to find in searches on subjects concerning your comments. So basically you endure the hatred to get the popularity so that what you do makes a bigger difference on the internet all thanks to the Atheists who cannot help but to hate you.
In my research of the fossil record, it brings up more questions than it answers. As to the reason I believe Dawkins has decided to give it up as evidence for evolution.
- Living fossils: There are nearly 200 known living fossils of plants and animals, yet each one has the same problem. They are found in one layer of the supposed record, and alive. For some fossils that is a gap as big as 10 layers. These gaps exist for “every living fossil”. So 30 times there are 30 gaps of the record not recording the fossils surviving until present time.
- The layering of the Geologic Column: There is no observable or explainable mechanism to show how the layers the fossil are found in got laid over millions of years. Yet water will sort the layered sediments like this and is observable and repeatable (empirical evidence).
- Polystrate Fossils: Trees that run through several layers that are supposed to take millions of years to form. How does a tree not rot away while waiting to be buried in the millions of years it took to do this? It could be explained away if only a few were found but these Polystrate Fossils are found all over the world.
- Cross contamination of dating markers: Fossils can be cross contaminated by the layers they are buried in. Example: If you bury a bone that dates 1000 years bury it in a layer that dates 300 million years. Over a period of time the markers from the layer will cross contaminate the fossil and make it date the same as the layer even though it never was the same age. This raises several questions and answers why all fossils will “always” date the same age as the layer. There is no other option after so many years.
- The Geologic Column or the fossil record does not exist in one piece anywhere in the world. It is estimated that if it did it would be just under 15 miles deep. So the record is only connected together by the age each layer dates and the fossils found in that layer. So an assumption has to be made here.
If Evolution theory is true why does every documentary on how it happened contain 80-100% animation?
If Evolution theory were true and had tons of evidence why does that evidence require so much interpretation? Because if you take away the interpretation of all supposed evolution evidence what would you have left? But because the evidence requires interpretation without actual observation of what really happened, the interpretation is actually an assumption. And this assumption is based on evolution being a true proven fact which bars any other idea from ever being considered or even pondered. It also means that assuming evolution is a true proven fact as so many evolutionists will claim means that the supposed science that it’s based on is more about conformism than anything else. Conformism is not science.
Example: Let’s say this is like a horse race. Evolution and all the other ideas are set to race. The horn sounds for the race to begin but the only door that opens is the one that allows the evolution horse to run the race. The other horses (ideas) are not even allowed on the track. So evolution horse not only gets to run the race but is the only idea that is allowed to win every race. In an actual horse race that would be known as cheating (conformism).

If Evolution theory were true, why do evolutionists make complexity sound easy? If you think about it, that is an oxymoron statement. Complexity means exactly what is says and there is nothing easy about it. Here are the problems to making complexity sound easy for evolution to achieve concerning evolution of the eye.
- The more complex something is the more mutations required to achieve the final goal.
- With mutations, each mutation has to mutate in the correct order to eventually evolve the final product. What is it in evolution that guides each individual mutation to be just right? Because if even one mutation if off it will affect all the mutations that come after it which in turn affects what it is that evolves. Example: Let’s look at the evolution of the eye as a scientific flow chart in an experiment. To get to the last stage of this flow chart and get the desired result, you have to follow the flow chart exactly. Which means you cannot have one deviation or even one mess up or the experiment is ruined. So what is it in evolution that makes every mutation perfect, regardless of how many it takes, to achieve the finished product? The reason this question is avoided is because to venture here would make one realize that only intelligence can have a guiding hand in what happens. Random chance and mistakes don;t do that.
- Which evolved first? The eye or the vision center of the brain? The reason this question is so important is because one cannot work without the other. So an eye without the vision center of the brain would be useless. The most common answer is that they evolved at the same time. For evolution to be able to know when to evolve 2 things at the precise moments they are needed is to say evolution can tell time. Which again means there was intelligence involved. So this answer does not go along with random chance and accident mechanism of evolution.
- What programmed the vision center of the brain to be able to process what is seen by the eye so that we could process it and react to our surroundings? The vision center of the brain with no programming to process the information sent to it by the eye is like having a computer that has no operating system on it. It won’t work. Programing by random chance and accident is like claiming windows 95 evolved into windows 8 by accident while the computer sat in Bill Gates office for 20 years and no one touched it. Not going to happen.
- Claiming that the eye is not a design when it’s made just the right size, and the lens is curved at the right angles for us to focus and see, is like saying the Hubble Telescope is not a design either.Design: A plan or drawing produced to show the look and function or workings of a building, garment, or other object before it is built or made.
The math that can be used to show how the eye is the right size, and the lens is curved at the right angles so things are in focus shows by math itself that the eye was designed. And if not then evolutionists need to show how math that includes size and angles is done with no intelligence.
Quote from website “‘The Unbelievers’ follows renowned scientists Richard Dawkins and Lawrence Krauss across the globe as they speak publicly about the importance of science and reason in the modern world – encouraging others to cast off antiquated religious and politically motivated approaches toward important current issues.”
These 2 people are on the forefront of everything anti-God. I deem them as the God haters – Christian haters. They support classifying being a Christian as a mental disorder. And that raising children in a Christian home is child abuse. They also agree with a group know as the Rational Response Squad that wants the Christian faith wiped from the face of the planet in less than 10 years. Yet by themselves, and their followers, they consider themselves the smartest people who ever walked the face of this planet. One could say that they both have a God complex. For they believe that every word spoken by them makes new truths and changes realities when they are spoken by them.
But when someone has an attitude like this, it’s not really that hard to make them look stupid. Because no mere man can be God no matter how smart they become. So it was not hard for this one YouTube user to make a video using their own words to do just that.
Richard Dawkins God complex and hatred towards anyone whom might disagree with him can be summed up in the next video where he tells one of his own to F off for disagreeing with him. And all others watching to F off as well for disagreeing with him. But being the coward that Dawkins is. To tell Tyson and everyone else to F off he uses a quote from New Scientists to do this. This is so if anyone tries to pin that comment to him he can always point the finger at someone else. Also notice how Tyson practically kisses Dawkins toes as he tries to relay something that Dawkins takes as a rebuke.
I find it ironic that even though they claim not to believe in God their actions actually prove God exists. Because either they have to admit that God exists and they hate Him, or that they are really wasting their time going after something that does not exist. I guess it’s like their failed attempts to explain how something comes from nothing. Or that life comes from non-life when all that has been observed is life from life. Because if what they truly had as evidence was so convincing do you think anyone would buy into the existence of God? I don’t think so. So as usual this is the atheist attempt sell the masses what is not provable so the need to resort to hate and demonizing is needed. Because if they truly had the convincing science that they claim to have would such tactics need to be resorted to? Of course not. As to the reason it has to be done.