Category: Evidence against evolution
Evidence against evolution
Most scientists ‘can’t replicate studies by their peers’
Science is facing a “reproducibility crisis” as scientists fail to reproduce others’ work, it is claimed.
Papers That Scientists Could Not Replicate Were Cited More, Study Says
Many scientists remain fixated on the ‘prestige’ of journals in which papers are published, to the detriment of science.
Evidence against evolution, Evidence for Creation, insects support creation
How One Moth Species Can Jam Bats’ Sonar Systems
Bertholdia trigona, a moth native to the Arizona desert, emits ultrasonic clicks at a rate of 4,500 times per second to blur bats’ acoustic vision
Moths Use Sonar-Jamming Defense to Fend Off Hunting Bats
Some species of moths may have evolved a defensive ultrasonic clicking technique that can temporarily disrupt the echolocation signals of bats
Evidence against evolution, Evidence for Creation, living fossils
Living fossils disprove evolution because there is no change. No evolution to the lifeform, or from it. It’s poof here’s the life form. Below are a few examples of over 300 living fossils that exist. More are being found every year. 300 times observable and repeatable is very strong empirical evidence evolution did not happen.
Evidence against evolution, Evidence for Creation
Human & Dinosaur prints
Inca burial stone aka Ica stones
Human misc. out of place evidence
Artifacts in coal
Artifact found in rock.
Out of place, or out of date dinosaur evidence.
Complex life at the bottom of fossil record.
Complex life at the bottom of fossil record.
Complex compound eyes
Evidence against evolution, Evidence for Creation, living fossils, Youn earth evidence
Click image for a larger view.
Living fossil caught in Amber.
Over 40 known blood and soft tissue finds. They were also published then hushed up as to the reason most people don’t know about this.
List of published articles on dinosaur & bird soft tissue and blood found after supposed millions of years
B-Rex, finding blood cells and soft tissue. Click to watch video.
Woolly Mammoth blood found
Evidence against evolution, Evidence for Creation, Youn earth evidence
And the reason I support this challenge is because if this cannot be done. It will be just one more things that can be used against evolution..
You can get the first 3 chapters free, click on image.
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The difference between intelligence and programmed response.
Original video with challenge.
Latest video.
You can accept the challenge by clicking on this image to visit website.
This challenge is much like possibility math. An intelligent process has the ability to learn from it’s mistakes. Therefore won’t repeat them.
An unintelligent process has no learning curve. Therefore can repeat the same mistakes an infinite number of times. Therefore, making the absolute of math, in possibility math, impossible to calculate. And it does not matter how much time you give the unintelligent probability math, time will not help.
When there is no answer, and time is given instead of proof. Then time becomes the excuse for not having proof. Time is the atheist God did it excuse without God. ~ Issac
The people behind this challenge
Kevin Ham
What the person who put on this challenge said.
Evidence against evolution, Evidence for Creation, soft tissue finds
They have been finding soft tissue fossils for a while now. Science, at first called it a fluke to explain away why this exists at all. But because it’s become more commonplace they have accepted the evidence but not what it points to aka the flood and Young Earth Creation (6,000 years).
Below is a image of how many times soft tissue find unfossilized have been published. The find range over 100 and the published articles almost 50.
Evidence against evolution, Life on other planets
For actual H2O water to exist on a planet, there are several conditions that have to be met.
- There has to be enough “free oxygen molecules” available to bond with hydrogen molecules to create water. 98% of the atmosphere on Mars is CO2. Which means most all the oxygen molecules are already bonded to a carbon molecule which means no available oxygen to bond with hydrogen.
- There has to be enough hydrogen molecules to bond with oxygen to create water. And since the atmosphere is 98% CO2, means that there is only trace amounts of hydrogen. About enough to make a pond or a very small lake.
- The barometric pressures of the atmosphere has to be just right for the molecules to go through the phase transition of gas to liquid. Earth’s barometric pressures and temps are just right for this to happen. Mars is not. A planet’s barometric pressures also determine the boiling point of water. Earth’s is a little over 200 degrees F. But because Mar’s barometric pressures are 1/32 that of earth, water boils at about 50 degrees F. And mar’s highest temps reach about 70 degrees, if there were any oceans they would boil.
- But what about the ice we see?…. What NASA refuses to talk about is that there are 2 types of ice that can exist on Mars. H2O ice aka solid water, and CO2 ice aka dry ice aka solid CO2. Both look the same but dry ice requires colder temps to freeze. Mars has these temps in the polar regions, and with the 98% CO2 atmosphere, the CO2 would freeze in mid air and fall like H2O snow and look like it as well. And because NASA knows everyone would like to believe in other life on other planets, it’s not really hard to sell the idea if you ignore the science. and outright lie.
- So what about the areas that show liquid flow evidence? 2 things. CO2 has a liquid state that can flow. And lava flows. Flow erosion does not always equal water existed or every planet would have it. There is more than water that can cause erosion evidence.
- But what about that liquid that one of the mobile vehicles ran into on Mars? That was CO2 melting, and that which was seen was CO2 in it’s liquid state. CO2 frozen goes from solid to liquid to gas just like frozen water does. The rover ran upon CO2 in it’s liquid state.
If you disagree with this then you need to explain how something is made without the molecules that are it’s basic makeup?