Is there evidence of the Red Sea Crossing? Let’s take a look at the video below. Click image to play video.
What you'll see in this video above.
Wall painting of Moses, after he found out he was a Israelite, getting onto a task master for beating a Israelite.

The rock that Moses hit and it split and water ran from it. The rocks beneath are smoothed from the water flow.

Mt. Sinai. The mountain God came down to which burned with fire and Moses got the 10 Commandments. Noticed it's burnt from the top down.

The path the Israelites escaped from Egypt on, and the beach they stood on before they crossed the Red Sea.

Golden chariot wheel that either belonged to the Pharaoh, or a high ranking military personnel. This cannot be moved for 2 reasons. It's laminated and the wood no longer exists making it very thin. And it's against the arabic law to remove anything from their oceans.