The Pangea (link) is the idea that all of the land masses were one, and there was no separation of the continents at one time. Over a period of time the continents did separate to what we see today. The only problem with this idea is what would allow the land masses to move so far away from one another, and does this mean they will collide again in the future killing almost all life?
In every illustration you see on how Pangea works, our planet stays the same in size meaning there was another force doing this. Science claims that it was subduction that caused this. What if the Bible actually gives us a mechanism that makes Pangea work? Neil Adams (link) actually had the right idea while trying to explain this but was trying to make it fit the old earth (4.5 billion years old) time-line. Here is an example of his idea in this animation he created. He also narrates it.
As you watch this, the mechanism that makes it work is the shrinking and expanding of our planet. You will notice this, as you watch the video, by looking at the stars nearest to earth. As the planet shrinks, and the land masses come together, more stars appear. As the planet expands, and the land masses separate, some of the stars disappear. So what would cause the planet to be smaller in the beginning, then larger in the end? Water. Even in the old earth explanation, water did not always exist on earth. Now not only do we have oceans of water, we have water underneath the crust as well.
Is there enough water under the earth’s crust to cause such a huge expansion of the continents? We have all been taught that the only water that exist under the crust is little compared to the oceans above. But what is not being told is a discovery of enough water that would equal 30 of our oceans.
Suddenly, there was somewhere to put water deep inside the mantle. “You can have oceans and oceans of water stored in the transition zone,” says Jay Bass of the University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign. “It’s sopping wet stuff.” Researchers think wadsleyite can hold as much as 33 per cent water by weight. It may not sound like much, but there could be an awful lot of wadsleyite.
According to Smyth, models of the mantle’s composition suggest that at the depths where wadsleyite is stable, between half and three-quarters of the material is the right stuff for making this mineral. “If the region between 400 and 525 kilometers were, say, 60 per cent wadsleyite, and that phase was saturated at 33 weight per cent, that’s ten oceans of water,” says Smyth. But Dan Frost, an experimental petrologist at the Carnegie Institution of Washington’s Geophysical Laboratory in Washington DC, thinks the mantle could contain even more water.
Frost says that solidified lava that has erupted at mid-ocean ridges contains glass that can be analyzed for water content. His research team has calculated how much water the lava’s parent material in the mantle must have contained. “It ends up being between 100 and 500 parts per million,” he says. And if the whole mantle contained 500 parts per million of water, Frost calculates that would be the equivalent of 30 oceans of water.
Scientists scanning the deep interior of Earth have found evidence of a vast water reservoir beneath eastern Asia that is at least the volume of the Arctic Ocean.
The discovery marks the first time such a large body of water has found in the planets deep mantle.
Reference: Live Science
A seismologist at Washington University in St. Louis has made the first 3-D model of seismic wave damping diminishing deep in the Earth’s mantle and has revealed the existence of an underground water reservoir at least the volume of the Arctic Ocean. It is the first evidence for water existing in the Earth’s deep mantle.
Reference: Physorg
A seismologist has made the first 3-D model of seismic wave damping, or diminishing, deep in the Earth’s mantle and has revealed the existence of an underground water reservoir at least the volume of the Arctic Ocean.
Reference: Washington University in St Louis
Showing that there is enough water under the crust, and knowing that the earth did not always have water, means subduction did not do this. To fit 30 oceans of water under the crust = the planet earth “has to expand” to receive it. Unless someone wants to ignore the laws of physics.
To sum it up so far:
1) We have the idea of Pangea and how the earth’s landmasses separated. Which includes subduction. But no evidence that subduction did this only the idea that it did. And why do they only teach it as the only possibility? Because it supports the “current accepted theory”. Water doing this supports the worldwide flood, the Bible, and creation, that does not conform to evolution and all of it’s supporting ideas.
2) We have the idea of water making the landmasses expand. And their is “evidence” that enough water to do this actually exists (30 oceans worth) under the earth’s crust. And that it’s “already there” proves that it did expand because of the water not because of subduction.
So now we get to the Bible supporting all this:First expansion: In Genesis 1:2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters… It is showing that water covered the whole earth. How do we know that it covered the whole earth? Because of what Genesis 1:9 And God said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear: and it was so… You see something does not have to “appear” if it’s already there. So the earth was totally covered with water that had to recede in the crust of the earth in order for land to appear. So what happens when water goes under the crust of the earth? The crust expands which would make the first expansion created what is known as the SuperContinent (link).Second expansion: In Genesis 7:11 In the six hundredth year of Noah’s life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened…. Was where the flood was started. Now why would the bible say: “And the windows of heaven were opened” if all it was doing was raining? Young Earth Creationists believe that during creation, a outer firmament (semi solid shell existed just beyond the ozone layer) was created as well. Because this semi solid shell was mainly made of “metallic hydrogen” (link) which exists naturally inside the planet Jupiter. When it fell (opened by a meteor strike like pic below), it combined with the free oxygen that existed and made more rain.
And because the evidence cannot be disputed, I would deem all this a working model. How?
1) We have the working mechanism to cause this which is water.
2) We have the water where it should be to cause this which is under the earth’s crust.
3) And we have enough water down there to expand the landmasses just as they are observed today.
4) We have the only 2 part expansion mechanism (creation and flood) that expands the land masses twice. First making the super-continent, and then making what we see today.
5) having the earth expand because of the intake of water beneath the crust shows just how the continents expanded. And when reversed, they fit together just like a puzzle.