1. Getting Something from Nothing
There has never been an observed example where something was created from nothing. No person would attempt to build something without materials, and there is no theory outside Big Bang cosmology that reaches this conclusion without ridicule from the scientific community.
2. Getting Life from Non-Life
Even if naturalistic causes could have created the universe, it would still be necessary for non-living material to become living. This is also an unproven (and impossible) feat that must be accepted when denying the existence of God.
3. Getting Order from Chaos
Personal observation tells us that all things tend towards disorder, not order. Left to themselves buildings crumble, gardens are taken over by weeds, and living material decays. If unguided natural causes produced the universe (from nothing) and produced life (from non-life) these processes would necessarily go against observed scientific principles in order to produce the complexity, beauty, and order that we observe in the world around us.
4. Getting the Immaterial from Physical Matter
If ‘nothing’ was before everything, then how was everything able to begin to exist, non-life was able to produce life, and chaos was able to produce order, but the atheistic worldview would still encounter an insurmountable obstacle. No matter how organized, it is impossible for physical material to produce the immaterial realities of human consciousness. Our morality, beliefs, desires, and preferences all exist outside of mere physical matter.