Tony Reed makes anti creationist videos and baits believers into watching them by implying he’s a believer himself. by naming all his videos: How a creationism taught me real science. Then when you watch the video, you find you that what he implies is a lie. I’ll list the videos below.
With the repeat of the same phrase in each video, the intent is more than clear. To bait and convert.

Evolution is nothing more than a religion and Darwin was not the first to think up the idea that man came from animals. It’s a pagan belief that dates back to Egyptian times.

The YouTube conversation
See how small his response was to mine? It was much larger but he edited it to either cover up what he said. Or cover up he was using the Atheos App.(link) Which is an app to help atheists debate. Yep even though they call use stupid uneducated morons, they need an app to keep up.
The comment image below proves what he did because he refers to points as in plural when his response after edit is a single point. So he will also edit to cover for his lies. The fallacy he committed with the edit will be the 3rd image in this section. This is also why it’s a better idea to take screen shots of conversations with atheists. Some are serial liars aka they’ll say and do anything to look right, without actually proving that they are right.

I very rarely have to use the edit fallacy meme. But when someone has such an image problem that they have to edit what they said to cover for what they did (lie), it shows they have a major problem.
1) A superiority complex. Editing what made them look lower than their debate opponent so they can look higher is an extreme ego complex. I suspect he’s trying to look above me in front of his over 7,000 subscribers. As to the reason he did the edit quite quickly after I pointed a few things out.
2) It also shows that he might have NPD disorder. Where he thinks so highly of himself that anything that makes him look otherwise, he has to cover for which means he goes to great lengths to look above anyone that would dare to disagree aka the superiority complex. Below is what the NPD disorder is, and it’s symptoms. I suspect all apply.

One thing you have to learn on the internet if you are going to engage people in debates. People will say and think what they want. There is nothing you can do about that. It’s called free speech. I have several atheist blogs, websites, and even atheist wikis that have pages on me. They say nasty stuff, make false accusations, and even threaten me with bodily harm and supposed legal harm (I’m gonna sue you etc…).
If I let all that bother me I’d probably be 6 foot under because I do not deal with this type of stuff to well. So I had to learn to just ignore it, and I have, and I don’t really care. But I don’t think Tony Reed can do this (I also believe this is a fake name. People like this like to hide in the bushes, it makes them feel safe as they attack others and tell lies).

When a debate opponent commits these 2 fallacies, it is a 100% waste of time to debate them. They are what the Bible calls a reprobate mind. Not being able to tell truth from lie, neither right from wrong. And they are always searching for truth but can never find it. To gain such a person’s respect to where they will even listen to you, you have to think like they do and agree with them. Otherwise they put you in a box and plug their ears. And even though some will not say it, this is what they think.

Another deception tactic is to play the guessing game. It’s where they never commit to any worldview, and they won’t tell you what their worldview is either. This allows them to stay above their debate opponent trying to make them look stupid while they feel superior. That’s what he’s done by saying: I never said i was Christian, and I never said I was an atheist.
Mind games is a tell tell sign they cannot debate and they like to play games. They know that when they come up upon someone who really does know how to debate that this person will make them look like a fool. Because if Tony Reed had all the scientific answers as he implies in every fake video he has made, he’d just mow me over with the science and the debate would be over. But with atheists, that never happens. They instead use these mind games to save face on what they know they cannot do.
**Well he did something I did not expect him to do, which was re-address the points. Then he took it even further by asking: What edit? Here’s what he said then I post the comment where he redid what he deleted. he tried to make it really long by making spaces in between the text lines thinking I would not screenshot all of it, but I did.
This is the readdress to cover up the deleted points he made. He's trying to claim he did not do it.

This guy was not only the perfect example of a militant atheist, but he took it further than I expected. The only thing that was really different was that most of the time, most atheists like this are cussing up a storm. But i do feel he’s restraining himself so I don;t want to push him over the edge. So this is the last segment of this page. I’m not bothering with this guy anymore.
It’s has become a one up game aka tit for tat. Where he’ll go on forever. So i’m going to let him have the last word on YouTube and be done with it.