If you do not want to read through all this, watch this video it will give you a general idea of the rest of the page.

Update: Another problem is that Electric cars cannot be charged when their batteries gets too cold. So wherever you are, you are stranded. Watch video.
Electric cars. 100% clean air? Let’s take a look behind the scenes on what it will take to charge and run your car.
The people who want to sell you this idea will tell you that the car burns no fuel. Well it takes energy from the power plant to charge your car and electricity does not fall from the sky. The majority of power plants burn coal as fuel and coal makes CO2 just like any fuel that burns.
And it’s not only the plant that burns fuel to make electricity, so does the train that delivers the coal to get it to the plant. And to get that heavy load going, their diesel engines have to put out a lot of pollution. This is usually what you don’t see because most people are not at the starting point where these trains really struggle to get that load going.
And if just 50% of Americans start using electric cars, this pollution you see in the image above will be 4 times as much for every city. And they’ll have to build more plants to keep up.
It takes machinery to get to the coal and to dig it out and move it out from under the earth. That burns fuel aka more pollution.
Then you have heavy equipment that pushing the coal into mounds while they wait for pick up.
Then you have the big dump trucks moving the coal around the yard. More pollution.
Here’s one being filled up so it can deliver coal to the train that will transport it to the plant.
And this is what mining for coal does to the environment. They dig and dig and leave a big hole.
Here are the many ways coal is mined. A lot has to do with how far and deep into the ground it is. And how the coal seams run determines how they go at it.
The batteries are located under the driver and all passengers.
And electric cars are very dangerous when they catch fire. The batteries put out very toxic fumes, and because the batteries supply constant power to the short, the fires are hard to put out. And they usually burn up the whole cars.
Here’s are city buses charging for the next day’s service runs. One catch fire and in a few minute is full engulfed and catches the other buses on fire.
Here’s a bus full of people that catches fire and they barely get off in time. They trample one another trying to get off, one woman was injured badly. And as you watch, they bring out fire extinguishers and still have a hard time trying to put out the fire. At one point the bus explodes sending the people watching running away.
If you get into a wreck in a car like this, and the doors jam. It will be like a ticking time bomb. because if those batteries ignite, no one will get to you soon enough, no joke..
Floods and hurricanes where electric cars, buses, or trucks get into flood water shorts put the batteries and burns up the electric vehicle as shown in the video.
And charging these cars is no small feat. Your house will have to be rewired to take 440v because 220v and 110v will just barely charge it overnight. And the lower voltages actually draw more amps running up your electric bill big time. And 440v is the way to go because it will draw 50% less amps but it will cost you to wire your house for this.
if you notice the white metal box behind the electric pump. That’s a diesel generator. In most places this is what will charge your car because the electric infostructure is not ready to take on the load that the electric cars will put on it without brownouts and blackouts, no joke. Once people figure all this out, the average person won’t buy them.
Also, when you run out of battery juice, they have to bring a diesel generator to you to change it. And it’s not like a gas burning car where you put gas in and you are on your way. To charge one to all the way up, it will take 4 to 8 hours. And when you cannot be late for work, oh well.
Another way to get coal is import it on cargo ships. So doing that means we run into the same problem with coal as we do with oil. Someone else controls what we pay, and there is always the chance that the coal may end up in the ocean, Not as polluting as oil, but that’s still a problem.
Lithium is needed for these batteries and lithium is running out because there are very few places that have it. Like coal it’s found in the earth. They are working on extracting it from seawater but that technology has not came out yet. And my question is: How is this going to affect aquatic life?
How 3rd world countries are using slave labor of children and adults to get rich while keeping them poor.