First I’m going to explain what they used junk DNA for so that you understand what this page is about.
Junk DNA is a set of DNA that is not that much different from another line or sometimes it can be exactly the same. Or in some cases, it’s the same code written backwards. Without proof, evolutionists claimed that this DNA code had no purpose. So they claimed that this part of the code can be removed with no problem. They used their artistic license in doing this to make the evidence conform to their opinion of what the world view should be. Drawing a reality in their own minds, they also Drew one for the masses. In a court of law this would be called tampering with the evidence to make someone look guilty or innocent.
But this would be like is being accused of murder of two people that you killed. Taking the gun you used wiping off all the evidence then taking that gun and putting the fingerprints of one of the people that you killed to make it look like he shot the other person and you were the only one that got away. Tampering with the evidence is a serious offense.

This is a video that explains with the claimed about junk DNA. Now as you wash this video remember that the junk DNA no longer applies. So all these changes that they made to make us look 99% the same has chimpanzees was all a deception. And when they get to the part where they’re showing you the math notice that they also admit that they had to change the chimpanzee DNA to make this work. And if you listen real closely you will hear that they say that we were only about 75% the same before this jump DNA idea. Proving that they fudge the numbers to get the 99% the same claim.
But this isn’t the only thing that has happened this year. The timeline that makes evolution work has been proven wrong because the James Webb Telescope has proven the Big Bang wrong. When they looked back in time using the James Webb Telescope to what was supposed to be a half a million years after the big bang. They were supposed to find smaller galaxies, still in chaos because they were still forming. But what they found were galaxies that were bigger than our own today, and they were fully formed.
So to cover up there huge mistake that would have left the Big Bang in question they doubled the age of the universe from 13.8 to 26.7 billion years old without being able to explain how they got the final number.